God bless America

De Amerikaanse verkiezingen houden niet alleen Amerikanen bezig. Ook Nederland is goed vertegenwoordigd in het land. NOVA en de NOS zenden uit vanuit de Verenigde Staten. Maar ook organisaties houden zich bezig met de toekomstige president. Hieronder een gebed/getuigenis van de Schreeuw om Leven.

Wake up America
Kneel down in prayer
Join the pro life army
sos save your babies

Thank for your mercy
Your grace is abundant
Your election is right
We kneel in obedience

We sinned against you
You blessed abundantly
We took it for granted
We did not thank You

You called us to obey
We rebelled against you
How can we then live
Lord have mercy forgive

You called us to elect
officers to serve you
in this great country
one country under God

You blessed this nation
it came to rescue Europe
and the rest of the globe
with their soldiers lifes

Today citicens be alert
vote for your blessing
the curse is closeby
choose life not death

A mother cannot forget
her child in expectance
babies scream for life
mother elect me today

A worldwar is raging
inside many wombs
to be born or to die
enemies are fighting

The beauty of creation
when the baby is born
all heaven rejoices
both save in Jesus arms

This today US  election
is pro life or pro death
direct life in the voting
may death be defeated

Spirit of redemption
and of reconcilliation
rule this nation today
God bless America

- Bert P. Dorenbos

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